jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

Dear Mr. Besoain.

I red your e-mail and I understand yor concern, but don't worry because im writing you this e-mail to clarify some points in which you shuld worry about or not.

First of all there is something clear, every sngle addition is bad, so i would like to give you specific techniques to reduce the amount of hours your son Felipe is spending on a game console.

One effective method is to create other productive distractions for your child, it is extremely important, to present them in an atractive way. I recommend the company of a pet, in this case a dog would be very apropiate. For a child playing with a dog is a very enyojable activity, and it has may positive effects, it does an amazing job on calming your boy and make him more responsable.

Another technique is to make him understand violence isn't right out of the video games, you can achieve this by using real experiences in wich violence resulted in smething badfor him or for someone he cares, remember always to dont mention things that may be traumatic.

I hope this advices help you.


Dr. Craig Anderson.  

jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

Letter to the editor

Dear Sir:

Based on your statement, I must say that my opinion towards the increased number of third culture children, is someting positive.

First because this premature exposure into other culture, can result in a more comprehensive and respectful child, specially to other cultures, nevertheless, this method has to be always accompanied with the constant support of their parents, so that they don't feel uncomfortable with the new culture they are exposed into.

In addition, I would like to show my point through an example. In The Mackay School, there are several children coming from different countries and cultures, and every single one of them has used elements from his native culture to have an advantage in this new culture. In fact Filip Morris, a new student of The Mackay School, with only ten yeas old, has eficiently used the skills he learned in his native culture, Australia, to be selected to present a brief comment about St. Patrick's day.

In conclusion, I think that the existance of third culture children, can b aways positive for them and fo society if they have a good parental support.