Qualities of a Gentleman
The Qualities of a Gentleman
He acts kindly from the impulse of his kind heart.
He is brave, because, with a conscience void of offence, he has nothing to fear.
He keeps his honor unstained, and to retain the good opinion of others he neglects no civility.
He respects even the prejudices of men whom he believes are honest.
He opposes without bitterness and yields without admitting defeat.
He is never arrogant, never weak.
He bears himself with dignity, but never haughtily.
Too wise to despise trifles, he is too noble to be mastered by them.
To superiors he is respectful without servility; to equals courteous; to inferiors’ kind.
He carries himself with grace in all places, is easy but never familiar, genteel without affection.
He unites gentleness of manner with firmness of mind.
He commands with mild authority, and asks favors with grace and assurance
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